
Wellbeing Show

The Wellbeing Show is our weekly live podcast on YouTube and Facebook Live.

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A significant challenge is addressing the root causes of classroom boredom. This can stem from unchallenging material, unengaging teaching methods, learning disabilities, or a disconnect with the subject. While some students experience this boredom occasionally, for others, it’s a persistent issue that can lead to disinterest, absenteeism, and even school avoidance...
Stop Blaming Men For All Of The Problems is more than a critique of outdated ideologies; it is a manifesto for change. Taylor's optimistic outlook infuses every page, inspiring readers to envision a world where men are empowered to redefine their roles and contribute positively to the collective well-being of humanity.
Meg Appelgate, CEO of Unsilenced, a nonprofit dedicated to ending institutional child abuse within the Troubled Teen Industry, and the author of “Becoming UNSILENCED: Surviving and Fighting the Troubled Teen Industry” provides commentary on the series, tells her own story of abuse, and talks about the work she does with Unsilenced:

The Wellbeing Show

Evidence-Based Practice, requires that decisions about health care are based on the best available, current, valid, and relevant evidence. These decisions should be made by those receiving care, informed by the tacit and explicit knowledge of those providing care. Components of Evidence-Based Practice: Best available evidence, Clinician’s knowledge, and skills, Patient’s wants and needs.